Sunday, 27 April 2014

Presenting deep work so far.....

These are my designs of background characters, character poses and concept designs for my deep project diplayed on a3 sheets of paper to show.

Saturday, 26 April 2014


This weekend i will put all my background character designs for deep project on a a3 sheet of paper to show in front of the class Tuesday. As well as concept designs and other designs for the project. This week i have also been doing inbetweens for a animation shot for our scene in ToonBoom., which in the end i got the hang of and was pleased with the shot.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Art styles for Pre

Doing some sketches of African art to get an idea of style we as a group would like to do for 3rd major film.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

A few poses to see what our main character looks like for deep project. To see what he is wearing and the figure of body, so we have an idea when we come to animate.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

These are my pencil sketches of some background characters that are going to be developed further on photoshop with colour and changing the style in keeping with our psychedelic scene 'Yellow Submarine.' In some of the drawings i have changed some of the features to the original character. For example looking at different shaped legs they could have, different shaped wings, face shape. Also because this scene is wacky and weird we could experiment with anything we liked. Therefore on the winged- insect character i put wellies on the feet to make the character different and stand out. 

On this post i also put Tom's drawing on here of our main character from different angles. I then took his drawing and tried to copy it showing a skeleton drawing of the charcater within it. This is to get a feel of what charcater might move like when we come to animate him. I have also done a head turnaround for the top character to see what the character might look like from a side view. 

Monday, 7 April 2014

sketches of greek mythological characters

These are my sketches of greek mythological characters that i have mashed up when researching them. This is to make them more unique and surreal looking because how scene is supposed to be wacky and random.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Concept piece ive been working on.... for deep project

This concept piece i have done is an idea of what the town scene could look like e.g colour palette with bold stand out colours and textures. The reason i have made the path with a stone look to it is because i was making a greek reference to the cobble streets in Greece.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Improvements to the colour script so far...

The changes i made here with the colour script so far is that i have made the colours bolder and brighter. Ive made more textures to the buildings. You can see i have done more scenes since the last update. Ive added a statue head of the greek god Zeus to make a ancient greek reference.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Changes to the colour script ive made so far

I have made some changes because the group wanted some changes like change the jacket to a greyish colour and then i changed the texture of the wall to make it more of a brick texture. The reason for this is in Greece there walls are either stone or brick.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

pre production for third year major project

These paintings are what inspired me in the art style, textures and patterns they used for my 3rd year major project which im working with Eline and Vicky. These paintings were done by Kenyan artists, the reaseon we researched into Kenya in particular is because our story idea is based in Kenya so we wanted to research what Kenyan African art is like as a reference.

These are some drawings of mine of African clothing that are still in working progress these are just sketches of them. I am looking at different styles and patterns. Also noticing whilst drawings the different variety of shapes that are used.